We’re looking for carefully constructed Horror stories with a focus on the oft-unclear distinction between a scary-enough reality and our less-or-more-frightening imagination, both in personal and social realms. Our working title is Costs of Living.
Possible interpretations of this potentially broad theme: The Neighbors/HOA/City Council Really Are Trying to Kill Us A Bad Element… is Already Here in the Neighborhood Why do I feel like everyone is watching me in my new town’s grocery store? “How can I be sure I am not dreaming?” without the “Oh, it was all a dream” cliché Philosophical quandries run amok in one’s mind Attic dweller keeps neighborhood watch via security cameras on smarthome system starts seeing what they/he/she cannot explain
AI Submissions?: Not Allowed
Electronic Submissions?: Yes
Postal Submissions?: No
Multiple Submissions?: No
Simultaneous Submissions?: Yes
Translations: Original Language Only
Estimated Response: 45 days
Market-Provided Data
This section can be updated by a representative of the publication. To add a representative, the publication should contact us to request it (no cost).
This statistical information is an aggregation of submission data provided by our members. The more data we have the more accurate our
numbers will be so please be sure to log all of your submissions here and not just your rejections or acceptances.
There are 38 completed reports in the past 12 months.
Averages and Boundaries:
Min: 0 | Average: 21.54 | Median: 26 | Max: 55
26.31% - avg 16 days
65.78% - avg 23 days(20.00% of rejections are personal)
Dead Letters:
Never Responded:
There are 1 pending responses.
(106 min | 106 average | 106 median | 106 max days waiting)
Note: pending statistics may skew high if some users neglect their data. We recommend querying after the time the market suggests to query.