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Mukoli - Nonfiction (Fiction) (Poetry)

Note: one submission per reading cycle.

Mukoli in the Axamiya (Assamese) language can variously mean open space, openness, and opening up.

Mukoli magazine provides a multimedia space for creative writers and artists whose engagements open up pathways to transforming conflicts, cultivating cultures and structures of peace, and promoting the healing and wellbeing of the planet and its people.

Housed in the School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development at Kennesaw State University, Mukoli is a magazine for peace because we publish art and literature that engages with peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding in its many forms.

We are also for peace because we actively advocate for building peace where there is the absence of it, whether it is in the realm of interpersonal, intercommunity, international, or interspecies relationships.

At the center of our exploration is the relationship of humans to other humans, to social, political, and cultural structures, as well as to nature and the environment. We believe that wherever there is a conflict or a rupture in these relationships, the arts in their multitude of forms – visual, written, spoken, etc. – have the power to heal.

We publish fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and art creations from marginalized, conflict-affected communities and collectives across the world while inviting readers everywhere to engage with these creative expressions and interventions. The decolonial feminist principles of resistance to dominant ways of living/learning and the project of reclaiming indigenous, intersectional, and non-violent ways of being and doing are at the heart of our enterprise.

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Market Types, Lengths & Pay Scale

0 to 5000 words

Market Submission Types
AI Submissions?: Unknown Policy
Electronic Submissions?: Yes
Postal Submissions?: No
Multiple Submissions?: No
Simultaneous Submissions?: No
Translations: Original Language and Translations

Market-Provided Data

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Listing added: 15 May 2024

Last officially checked: 23 September 2024

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