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Starship Librarians
Tyche Books

Badgered and beleaguered, the front line of the culture wars, enduring book bans, budget cuts, and ruthless political theatre, it's a tough time to be a Librarian. Yet if there is to be a better tomorrow, it will be built on the art and wisdom of today. Building community, preserving knowledge, sharing art: simple principles demanding resolute determination and sincere empathy from those staffing the desks and stocking the shelves.

And the Librarians of tomorrow?

Does anyone still believe that an algorithm can fill this vital, sensitive role? Librarians function above the digital revolution's reach. Have we realized databases, search engines, and other tech tools can never replace human librarians? In the hands of a master, such tools might increase their abilities, but the great cathedrals of knowledge and monuments of literature will never be ruled by the soulless. You can't code empathy, program taste, or script inspiration. It's time we recognize society should never replace empowered Librarians.

We are looking for stories about the librarians of tomorrow. Whether essential crew in the grand exploration of the space, defenders of knowledge in bleak radioactive tomorrows, or idealists in the halls of Neo-Alexandria, we want to check out your stories.

A bold Commander, brilliant science officers, resourceful engineers, but no starship crew is complete without a librarian!

This listing is permanently closed for submissions. This may mean one of several things:
  • It was always planned to be a limited-time project, such as a one-time anthology, and the limited-time submission window has ended.
  • The publisher has stated that they are permanently closed, or on hiatus with wording that makes it sound permanent.
  • The publication website is down in a way that appears to be permanent, and we haven't been able to find a new website for them.
  • The publication website is not down, but it appears to have been inactive for more than a year.

Market Genres
Science Fiction

Market Types, Lengths & Pay Scale
0 to 1000 words

Short Story
1000 to 7500 words

7500 to 17500 words

17500 to 40000 words

Note: This publication does not state a clear max word count, so the max word count for this listing has been set to a default.

Market Submission Types
AI Submissions?: Not Allowed
Electronic Submissions?: Yes
Postal Submissions?: No
Multiple Submissions?: No
Simultaneous Submissions?: No
Translations: Original Language Only

Market-Provided Data

This section can be updated by a representative of the publication. To add a representative, the publication should contact us to request it (no cost).

Market Response Data (User-Reported)
View recent responses from this market
This statistical information is an aggregation of submission data provided by our members. The more data we have the more accurate our
numbers will be so please be sure to log all of your submissions here and not just your rejections or acceptances.

There are 5 completed reports in the past 12 months.
Averages and Boundaries:
Min: 90 | Average: 105.75 | Median: 100 | Max: 132
80.00% - avg 105 days (0.00% of rejections are personal)
Dead Letters:
Never Responded:

There are 13 pending responses. (70 min | 78.76 average | 74 median | 109 max days waiting)
Note: pending statistics may skew high if some users neglect their data.
We recommend querying after the time the market suggests to query.

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Registered users can customize graph colors in profile settings.

Listing added: 2 September 2024

Last officially checked: 2 September 2024

The Submission Grinder is brought to you by Diabolical Plots, the word fnord, Sheryl R. Hayes, and many others!
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