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Glory of Man: The Rise and Fall of the Reality Soldier - Poetry (Fiction)
The Cockroach Conservatory

As always, the naming conventions of our infallible Lord Commander Patagonia enlightens as much as it obfuscates. Allow me, his perfect instrument of perfect judgement, to give some clarifying points.

As you may know, Lord Commander Patagonia was attracted to your puny planet by way of its music. One such song that struck him so was The Minutemen's Glory of Man.

Themes we are looking for to further entwine the fate of our two planets, Earthagonia and Black Hole Duffel, are:

Fake News

In anticipation of silly questions and to lessen the chances that my Slap of Judgement be administered unto your face, allow me to be clear.

Fake News should make no mention of whatever current political climate your country is facing now. Absorb the themes of your time into fiction but we are not looking for your long winded diatribes about what you believe this way or that way. We are followers of Lord Commander Patagonia and we have no leader before him. Therefore, we care not for the gripes of your world.

You must not have a character named "Reality Soldier." The Reality Soldier is aboard our very expensive ship and does not take kindly to misrepresentation of his character.

We appreciate weird. We appreciate humorous. We appreciate absurdity. To get an idea of what we publish, take a look at our first volume available on Amazon here. We realize we are a new market and you may not want to shell out the bucks for the first volume. Fine, heathen. Think Joe Lansdale, Kelly Luce, or Etgar Keret. Think R. Crumb or Junji Ito. Or think none of that. We are going to accept what we like. We do not adhere to a strict set of regulations in terms of genre or literature. To get a feel of how we approach things, listen to the Spacecast here.

This listing is permanently closed for submissions. This may mean one of several things:
  • It was always planned to be a limited-time project, such as a one-time anthology, and the limited-time submission window has ended.
  • The publisher has stated that they are permanently closed, or on hiatus with wording that makes it sound permanent.
  • The publication website is down in a way that appears to be permanent, and we haven't been able to find a new website for them.
  • The publication website is not down, but it appears to have been inactive for more than a year.

Market Genres
Science Fiction

Market Submission Types
AI Submissions?: Unknown Policy
Electronic Submissions?: Yes
Postal Submissions?: No
Multiple Submissions?: Yes
Simultaneous Submissions?: No
Translations: Original Language Only

Market-Provided Data

This section can be updated by a representative of the publication. To add a representative, the publication should contact us to request it (no cost).

Market Response Data (User-Reported)
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numbers will be so please be sure to log all of your submissions here and not just your rejections or acceptances.

There are 0 completed reports in the past 12 months.

There are 0 pending responses.

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Listing added: 14 August 2018

Last officially checked: 4 September 2018

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