Note: remove identifying information from manuscript for anonymous judging.
Note: one submission per submission period.
Dark Literary Fiction, Quiet Horror, Literary Horror
This covers a wide range of subject matter including shadowy, bleak literary stories, tales of the supernatural, folk horror, hauntings, misadventure, psychological horror and more - including the unexpected, the dreadful, the chilling, and the strange.
AI Submissions?: Not Allowed
Electronic Submissions?: Yes
Postal Submissions?: No
Multiple Submissions?: No
Simultaneous Submissions?: Yes
Translations: Original Language Only
Market-Provided Data
This section can be updated by a representative of the publication. To add a representative, the publication should contact us to request it (no cost).
This statistical information is an aggregation of submission data provided by our members. The more data we have the more accurate our
numbers will be so please be sure to log all of your submissions here and not just your rejections or acceptances.
There are 14 completed reports in the past 12 months.
Averages and Boundaries:
Min: 5 | Average: 22.42 | Median: 24 | Max: 37
50.00% - avg 27 days
50.00% - avg 17 days(14.28% of rejections are personal)