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This Magazine - Nonfiction (Fiction) (Poetry)

Limited Demographic: Canadian residents

Note: may not respond in case of rejection.

A good This Magazine article offers background and context to ongoing national issues, a challenge to the mainstream media perspective, or an important story that hasn’t been told elsewhere. Subject matter includes politics, culture, the arts, social issues, labour, feminism, mental health, race/racism, Indigenous issues, and sexuality, with a focus on quality writing and in-depth reportage.

Market Types, Lengths & Pay Scale
By the numbers: breaking down a particular issue by numbers—area, cost, volume, percentages, etc. For example: Textile waste in Canada; How student debt during the pandemic affects women.

350 to 350 words

Columns Have a hot take on a current event? Want to write a first-person memoir that taps into the state of modern society and politics? Our columns section is for you. We assign both 500-600 and 1,000-1,200-word opinion-based columns each issue, ranging from personal stories to third-person op-eds. Each story, regardless of its tone and voice, is thoroughly researched and well supported by a strong thesis.

500 to 600 words

1000 to 1200 words

Mapping Canada: a map that denotes a particular issue or goings-on within Canada. For example: places in need of safer consumption sites; progressive summer camps, Land Back movements.

350 to 400 words

Think Again: exploring something progressive people think is a positive, that might not be as good as they sound. Examples: how electric scooters play into ableism; The problem with zero waste stores; The truth about the plastic straw ban.

350 to 350 words

Timeline: a way of tracking history, events, etc.

400 to 400 words

What’s Inside: an “under-the-hood”–style slug that explores and “decodes” the inner workings of a concept/object/law/bill/etc. Ideally includes an interview.

400 to 400 words

Features A good This Magazine article offers background and context to ongoing Canadian issues, a challenge to the mainstream media perspective or an important story that hasn’t been told elsewhere. Our readership is Canada-wide, so local issues are only covered when they have national interest or implications. International stories must have a strong Canadian angle. We love printing stories like:

Hard-hitting, investigative reports exposing government cover-ups, corporate malfeasance, scientific myopia, or institutional fraud or hypocrisy.
Thoughtful, provocative articles that challenge conventional wisdom concerning issues of national importance.
Timely, people-oriented stories on issues such as the environment, education, labour, feminism, Indigenous affairs, the media, health care and cultural trends.
Provocative satire exposing blinkered thinking on the left or right; revealing media blind-spots, skewering trends in pop culture, business culture etc.
In-depth, service-driven pieces offering practical information not generally available in the mainstream media.
Literary journalism, essays and memoir, in which strong narrative, unique voice and compelling subject matter are paramount.
Generally, we are likely to favour stories that stake out strong positions, feature compelling characters, tell an untold story (or tell a well-known story from a novel perspective), and propose concrete solutions to pressing problems.

0 to 40000 words

Profile: highlighting the compelling work of an interesting person or organization. We often lean toward profiling organizations, but profiles of individuals are possible. Must include an interview.

500 to 500 words

Spotlight: think of this space as a mini-profile on a particular cause, organization or idea. Again, we usually focus on organizations or short news stories the mainstream press hasn’t covered. Must include an interview.

350 to 350 words

Columns Have a hot take on a current event? Want to write a first-person memoir that taps into the state of modern society and politics? Our columns section is for you. We assign both 500-600 and 1,000-1,200-word opinion-based columns each issue, ranging from personal stories to third-person op-eds. Each story, regardless of its tone and voice, is thoroughly researched and well supported by a strong thesis.

500 to 600 words

1000 to 1200 words

Features A good This Magazine article offers background and context to ongoing Canadian issues, a challenge to the mainstream media perspective or an important story that hasn’t been told elsewhere. Our readership is Canada-wide, so local issues are only covered when they have national interest or implications. International stories must have a strong Canadian angle. We love printing stories like:

Hard-hitting, investigative reports exposing government cover-ups, corporate malfeasance, scientific myopia, or institutional fraud or hypocrisy.
Thoughtful, provocative articles that challenge conventional wisdom concerning issues of national importance.
Timely, people-oriented stories on issues such as the environment, education, labour, feminism, Indigenous affairs, the media, health care and cultural trends.
Provocative satire exposing blinkered thinking on the left or right; revealing media blind-spots, skewering trends in pop culture, business culture etc.
In-depth, service-driven pieces offering practical information not generally available in the mainstream media.
Literary journalism, essays and memoir, in which strong narrative, unique voice and compelling subject matter are paramount.
Generally, we are likely to favour stories that stake out strong positions, feature compelling characters, tell an untold story (or tell a well-known story from a novel perspective), and propose concrete solutions to pressing problems.

0 to 40000 words

Easily Missed: an important Canadian news event/trend that’s being under-reported or ignored by the mainstream press—something that may have been covered in community/regional or student media, but hasn’t had national coverage. Should include an interview.

350 to 350 words

Features A good This Magazine article offers background and context to ongoing Canadian issues, a challenge to the mainstream media perspective or an important story that hasn’t been told elsewhere. Our readership is Canada-wide, so local issues are only covered when they have national interest or implications. International stories must have a strong Canadian angle. We love printing stories like:

Hard-hitting, investigative reports exposing government cover-ups, corporate malfeasance, scientific myopia, or institutional fraud or hypocrisy.
Thoughtful, provocative articles that challenge conventional wisdom concerning issues of national importance.
Timely, people-oriented stories on issues such as the environment, education, labour, feminism, Indigenous affairs, the media, health care and cultural trends.
Provocative satire exposing blinkered thinking on the left or right; revealing media blind-spots, skewering trends in pop culture, business culture etc.
In-depth, service-driven pieces offering practical information not generally available in the mainstream media.
Literary journalism, essays and memoir, in which strong narrative, unique voice and compelling subject matter are paramount.
Generally, we are likely to favour stories that stake out strong positions, feature compelling characters, tell an untold story (or tell a well-known story from a novel perspective), and propose concrete solutions to pressing problems.

0 to 40000 words

Market Submission Types
AI Submissions?: Unknown Policy
Electronic Submissions?: Yes
Postal Submissions?: No
Multiple Submissions?: No
Simultaneous Submissions?: No
Translations: Original Language Only

Market-Provided Data

This section can be updated by a representative of the publication. To add a representative, the publication should contact us to request it (no cost).

Market Response Data (User-Reported)
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There are 0 completed reports in the past 12 months.

There are 0 pending responses.

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Listing added: 9 January 2025

Last officially checked: 9 January 2025

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