Note: one submission per type per submission window.
Note: If your work is accepted, wait two full submission windows before submitting again.
Solarpunk is a prefigurative, utopian artistic movement that envisions what the future might look if humanity solved major modern challenges like climate change, and created more sustainable and balanced societies. As a genre and cultural aesthetic, it encompasses literature, visual art, fashion, video games, architecture, and more. Solarpunk carries many aspects of punk ideologies such as humanitarianism, egalitarianism, animal rights, decolonization, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-corporatism, and anti-consumerism. Similar to the cyberpunk genre, the big difference between the two is that in solarpunk technology and nature are in harmony with one another rather than in conflict.
?Not all solarpunk stories take place in idealistic utopias. Many are tales of are rife with compelling conflict among people and communities optimistically striving to reach that ideal while still struggling to solve some existing challenges. But all solarpunk stories do have things in common such as future or near-future settings, optimism perspectives, and looking toward a better future with at least a growing harmony between nature, technology, and humanity.
Our fiction editors are interested in works that stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement. This effect isn’t likely to come via high concept utopias alone, but rather, from vibrant characters whose struggles affect the reader. Speculative elements should be apparent but not dominating; our disbelief suspended not by necessity, but immersion. Any genre of science fiction, interstitial fiction, magic realism, or fantasy has potential as a solarpunk forum—we welcome robots and elves with equal excitement.
Submission window - Apr 1, 2025 thru Apr 14, 2025 (Begins 52 days from now)
Market Genres
Science Fiction
Market Types, Lengths & Pay Scale
Short Story
1500 to 7500 words
8 cents/word
Market Submission Types
AI Submissions?: Not Allowed
Electronic Submissions?: Yes
Postal Submissions?: No
Multiple Submissions?: No
Simultaneous Submissions?: Yes
Translations: Original Language and Translations
Estimated Response: 60 days
Market-Provided Data
This section can be updated by a representative of the publication. To add a representative, the publication should contact us to request it (no cost).
This statistical information is an aggregation of submission data provided by our members. The more data we have the more accurate our
numbers will be so please be sure to log all of your submissions here and not just your rejections or acceptances.
There are 129 completed reports in the past 12 months.
Averages and Boundaries:
Min: 0 | Average: 32.48 | Median: 34 | Max: 101
2.32% - avg 64 days
96.12% - avg 31 days(3.22% of rejections are personal)
Dead Letters:
Never Responded:
There are 8 pending responses.
(23 min | 38.00 average | 28 median | 115 max days waiting)
Note: pending statistics may skew high if some users neglect their data. We recommend querying after the time the market suggests to query.