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Vector is the critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association, publishing articles and features on science fiction and fantasy around the world. Vector publishes two to three issues per year.

We’re interested in academic articles from all disciplines; articles by writers, fans, and critics; interviews and roundtables; and reports and reviews of exhibitions, conventions, conferences, and other events related to SFF, both in the UK and around the world.

Whatever you’re submitting, we’re looking for writing that is intellectually stimulating and sophisticated, but also accessible and engaging to a wide audience.

We publish reviews with SFF authors, and welcome queries from prospective interviewers. If you are an author who would like to be interviewed for Vector, we generally prefer an approach via agent or publisher. Feel free to pitch interviews with artists, editors, scientists, and other figures whose work may be of interest to Vector‘s readership.

Yearly Round-Ups
If you would be interested in contributing (in early 2024) a look back at 2023 in SFF literature, cinema, comics, art, games, or other media, or an article documenting your year in SFF, please get in touch. Here are some examples from previous years: 2018 in SFF |2019 in SFF|2020 in SFF|2021 in SFF (hiatus).

Other Submissions
Vector is the critical journal of the BSFA. We are open to submissions on a rolling basis. To query, contact We are interested in:

Articles on SFF, science, technology, and related subjects, written for a general audience (usually 1,000 to 3,500 words)
Academic articles on SFF (usually 3,500 to 6,000 words) — although as of early 2022, we have quite a queue, so you may want to try elsewhere for now!
Interviews (see above)
Round-ups of the year in SFF (see above)
Conference and convention reports
Occasional reviews of academic books or other non-fiction
Occasional reviews of SFF magazines, exhibitions, movies, TV, games, and new media (fiction reviewers should get in touch with The BSFA Review instead)
Queries from prospective guest editors
Queries from prospective advertisers

Market Types, Lengths & Pay Scale

1000 to 6000 words


1000 to 6000 words


1000 to 6000 words

Market Submission Types
AI Submissions?: Unknown Policy
Electronic Submissions?: Yes
Postal Submissions?: No
Multiple Submissions?: No
Simultaneous Submissions?: No
Translations: Original Language Only

Market-Provided Data

This section can be updated by a representative of the publication. To add a representative, the publication should contact us to request it (no cost).

Market Response Data (User-Reported)
View recent responses from this market
This statistical information is an aggregation of submission data provided by our members. The more data we have the more accurate our
numbers will be so please be sure to log all of your submissions here and not just your rejections or acceptances.

There are 0 completed reports in the past 12 months.

There are 0 pending responses.

Submission Timeline for Vector
Submission Timeline
My Pending
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Listing added: 7 May 2024

Last officially checked: 20 June 2024

The Submission Grinder is brought to you by Diabolical Plots, the third law of thermodynamics, Jim Johnson, and many others!
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