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Mar 15
1 Rejection from kinpaurak (2 days)
Acceptance from This Exquisite Topology: A Collection of Happy Abstractions - Fiction (122 days) (Congratulations FtRttS, PWBF!!)
Mar 14
2 Rejections from +Horror Library+ Anthology Series (13 days each)
1 Rejection from Abyss & Apex - Fiction (41 days)
19 Rejections from Allegory - Fiction (ranging from 73 to 130 days)
Acceptance from Allegory - Fiction (75 days) (Congratulations Richard Zwicker!)
1 Rejection from Apex Magazine - Fiction (164 days)
5 Rejections from Asimov's Science Fiction - Fiction (ranging from 0 to 3 days)
Acceptance from Baffling Magazine (91 days) (Congratulations , it's another rejection!)
6 Rejections from Baubles From Bones - Fiction (ranging from 69 to 72 days)
2 Rejections from Baubles From Bones - Poetry (72 days each)
Acceptance from Bending Genres - Fiction (5 days) (Congratulations eleri denham!)
4 Rejections from Beneath Ceaseless Skies (ranging from 4 to 13 days)
6 Rejections from Bourbon Penn (ranging from 23 to 26 days)
2 Rejections from Chestnut Review - Poetry (ranging from 10 to 17 days)
5 Rejections from Clarkesworld Magazine - Fiction (2 days each)
1 Rejection from Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores - Fiction (12 days)
4 Rejections from Fantasy Magazine - Fiction (47 days each)
Acceptance from Flash Fiction Online (FFO) (Originals) (36 days) (Congratulations Sargent!)
1 Rejection from Frontier Poetry (63 days)
1 Rejection from Fusion Fragment (8 days)
2 Rejections from Harvest the Night: An Anthology of Folk Horror (ranging from 40 to 41 days)
1 Rejection from Interzone (13 days)
1 Rejection from Just Keep Up Magazine - Fiction (71 days)
1 Rejection from King Ludd's Rag (182 days)
1 Rejection from Literally Stories (4 days)
1 Rejection from McSweeney's Internet Tendency (4 days)
4 Rejections from Menagerie Magazine - Fiction (ranging from 83 to 99 days)
2 Rejections from Moonpark Review - Fiction (ranging from 53 to 54 days)
1 Rejection from Muleskinner Journal - Fiction (14 days)
1 Rejection from Nunum (2 days)
Acceptance from Once Upon a Moonless Night (171 days) (Congratulations Rachel Searcey!)
Acceptance from Once Upon a Moonless Night (98 days) (Congratulations Dr Mike Adamson!)
Acceptance from Once Upon a Moonless Night (125 days) (Congratulations Emilia Pulliainen!)
2 Rejections from Orion's Belt - Fiction (ranging from 1 to 3 days)
1 Rejection from Other anthology series (35 days)
2 Rejections from Phano - Fiction (ranging from 11 to 19 days)
2 Rejections from Plott Hound Magazine - Fiction (ranging from 4 to 9 days)
7 Rejections from PodCastle (ranging from 1 to 119 days)
1 Rejection from Scrawl Place - Fiction (30 days)

The Submission Grinder is brought to you by Diabolical Plots, the word fnord, Sheryl R. Hayes, and many others!
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